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alaskan forests come back stronger!

WAY WAY BACK IN 2004, when wild­fires in Alaska burned an area the size of Mass­a­chu­setts, Michelle Mack won­dered just how much carbon had per­ma­nently moved from the land­scape into the at­mos­phere. Mack, an ecol­o­gist at Northern Ari­zona Uni­ver­sity, knew that the carbon dioxide re­leased by these burning trees could fur­ther ac­cel­erate global warming. [Read more] “alaskan forests come back stronger!”

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let’s paint the southwest white!

LET’S PAINT THE SOUTH­WEST WHITE! We’ll start with the roofs then move on to dri­ve­ways and parking lots and even­tu­ally the streets, the high­ways, and every­thing else. “Sci­en­tists look for the Holy Grail” ad­dresses the search for cre­ating a sur­face that’s cooler to the touch on a hot summer day than the air around it. [Read more] “let’s paint the southwest white!”

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a little personal background information

WHEN RE­QUIRED TO POST A PRO­FILE on the in­ternet, I usu­ally write, “Mys­tical lib­eral likes long walks alone at night in the dark in the city in the rain with an um­brella and a flask of 10-year-old Laphroaig.” While this bit of irony works for some readers, others want a little more in terms of per­sonal back­ground information. [Read more] “a little personal background information”

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many global insect populations suffering death by a thousand cuts

DEATH BY A THOU­SAND CUTS is how Pro­fessor Rodolfo Dirzo sums up the sit­u­a­tion of the plight of in­sects on the planet Earth in the 21st cen­tury. Dirzo is a Bing Pro­fessor in en­vi­ron­mental sci­ence at Stan­ford and a se­nior fellow at the Stan­ford Woods In­sti­tute for the En­vi­ron­ment. [Read more] “many global insect populations suffering death by a thousand cuts”

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this season’s arctic sea ice ain’t forming

NOR­MALLY, THE ICE IN THE ARCTIC grows in the cold of the winter months and shrinks in the warmth of the rest of the year. But that ain’t hap­pening in the winter of 2020-2021. The ar­ticle “This Year’s Arctic Sea Ice Is Failing to Form, Raising a Huge Red Flag” tells us that the ice still hasn’t re­frozen since last winter. [Read more] “this season’s arctic sea ice ain’t forming”

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russia could dominate a warming world after the big thaw

THE IN­ABILITY OF RUSSIAN FARMERS to pro­vide enough food for the people was a problem under both the Czars and the So­viets and re­mains a problem today. But the big thaw that global cli­mate change is causing may be “pro­pelling enor­mous human mi­gra­tions as it trans­forms global agri­cul­ture and re­makes the world order and no country stands to gain more than Russia.” [Read more] “russia could dominate a warming world after the big thaw”

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wildfire clouds can spew as many aerosols into the atmosphere as a volcanic eruption

MAS­SIVE WILD­FIRE CLOUDS can be as dan­gerous as vol­canic erup­tions in some re­spects. As wild­fires be­come more common, these clouds are be­coming a greater hazard. This is ad­dressed in the ar­ticle “Tow­ering fire-fueled thun­der­clouds can spew as many aerosols as vol­canic erup­tions,” which“As warming worsens wild­fires, it may create con­di­tions ripe for stronger py­rocu­mu­lonimbus clouds.”  [Read more] “wildfire clouds can spew as many aerosols into the atmosphere as a volcanic eruption”

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the dynamics of weather itself are changing

KAYAK VOY­AGES TO THE NORTH POLE will soon be on the list of things-to-do for the more ad­ven­turous among us. The dy­namics of weather it­self are changing be­cause of the thawing of the Arctic ice masses and it should prob­ably be the biggest “news story” of our time if we hu­mans paid at­ten­tion to things that move so slowly. [Read more] “the dynamics of weather itself are changing”